For Schools

Schools can participate in an educational trajectory especially designed for third-grade primary and first-grade secondary students. You can choose to complete the full trajectory or select those elements that fit your classroom practices. All components focus on remembrance and heritage education, the theme of migration and reading promotion.


Visit the story trail in Merksplas or Turnhout.


Educational package with three in-class workshops centering on the themes migration, communication and house and home.


Reading lists for children and young people on the theme of migration.


Writing and art contest in the libraries of Merskplas and Turnhout.

#2 Educational package with three workshops

Choose and combine three workshops about the themes of heritage and migration. Meet two children who had to leave their homeland for different reasons. Play a game that highlights the origins of our wide variety of communication forms. Discover the bedrooms of children around the world and build your own exhibition on interiors in different countries and cultures.

A general introduction to the three workshops can be found here.

These workshops were developed by students from the Thomas More teacher training for Primary School Education, Campus Turnhout, during the 2024 research lab, under supervision of lecturer Wouter Diels and Alison Luyten of collectief MOOS.

Workshop 1


Workshop 2


Workshop 3

house and home

Reading list 1

toddlers and pre-schoolers

Reading list 2


Reading list 3

secondary education
